Tuesday, March 4, 2008


We learn from ricks boss that 8 special androids have come from mars and his fellow officer died while trying to retire the 3rd one. This was important because it was first hand evidence for the reasons why the android are being hunted, they are human enough to kill.
The androids and electric animals both show no sign of empathy, but according to the book so far the animals arnt programmed to have the mental capability to hurt humans. They are very comparable though because are artificial reproductions presented to be real.
The Voight-Kampff sounds fool proof to me. Any real human would react to such questions and Rachel Rosen shows the accuracy of it. Any human worth keeping alive would pass the test. If a non android fails the test, than "retiring" them wouldnt really mean anything to anyone.
If a bone marrow test is the only way to truly test human purity, than androids of the future must be amazingly the same. If they can not look at a x-ray of the android and tell that this means that androids have regular human bodies with an artificially programed brain. The androids have full human bodies and are very advanced. One thing is true though, An android can never be smarter than the smartest human because someone has to program the computer in the first place. A computer cant know anything more than the one that programmed it.
I dont understand the relationship between JR and Pris. The life of a chickenhead is so awkward that any social interaction is questionable. Is Pris a chickenhead? What is this small girl doing in this apartment? I would love to see the film version of this just to understand that situation...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the ideas about the VK Test, kool, ttly